Christina Fardell

Who is Christina Fardell? 

Christina Fardell grew up in Sweden, where she graduated in chemistry from the University of Lund. She lives both in Sweden and mostly in Medulin. She is married; the mother of Ester, 25, and Tor, 23, and has both a dog and a cat. Christina loves sport, painting and handicraft. She loves Istras workshops with sewing, jewellery making and glassworks. Medulin is definitely best when creative Istra is there.

Christinas inspiration: 

Five years ago my husband and I searched for a summerhouse along the coast of Istria. We didn´t find anything and were tired and stopped in Pula. The hotel by the Arena, where we wantad to stay, was fully booked. So we drove further and ended up at hotel Koral, Medulin. All by coincidence. The next morning it was sunny and just wonderful and as beautiful as only the bay of Medulin can be. I took a long jogging tour and found it so beautiful and peaceful along the bay. We looked at a few houses and decided that this is the place we want to live. I love Medulin because of the warm weather, the warm people and its beautiful colours. The sunsets are so beautiful and colourful and the nature also. Medulin inspires me to paint and be creative and I am so glad we have Studio Valeria in the village.

Tko je Christina Fardell? 

Christina je odrasla u Švedskoj, gdje je studirala kemiju na Univerzitetu Lund. Ona živi u Švedskoj i Medulinu; ima kćerku Ester i sina Tora. Udata je za Gaya, imaju psa i macku. Voli sport, slikanje i ručni rad. Obožava kreativne radionice u Medulinu u kome najradije biva kad uz Istru radi u studiju.

Christinina inspiracija: 

Prije 5 godina tražeci kuću u Istri naišli smo na Medulin, zaljubili se u njega i tu ostali. Bili smo oduševljeni Medulinskim zaljevom, suncem i toplinom ljudi. Volim sve u Medulinu, prirodu, prekrasne boje, toplinu koji su me inspirirali da se počnem baviti slikanjem, nakitom, rukotvorinama. Naročito volim rad sa staklom u studiju Valerija, što mi je najbolji dio priče o Medulinu.